61 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Compliance Status Principle Yes No Partial N/A Explanation Related Report/Link C1.7 Establishes and discloses personal data protection and data security policies. X They are publicly disclosed at https:// www.celebiaviation. com/about/personel- data-protection and at https://www. celebiaviation.com/ information-security- policy. C1.8 Establishes and discloses a code of ethics. X It is publicly disclosed at https://www. celebiaviation.com/ about/principles-of- ethical-behavior and at https://www. celebiaviation.com/ career/principles-of- ethical-conduct. C1.9 Discloses studies within the scope of social investment, social responsibility, financial inclusion and access to finance. X Relevant information has been shared in the Ethical Conduct principles section under the Information main heading on our Company’s Çelebiyatirimci website and in our 2023 Annual Report under the Reports and Presentations main heading. C1.10 Organizes information meetings and training programs on ESG policies and practices for employees. X Relevant information is shared in the Environment and Sustainability section of our Annual Report, available at http:// celebiyatirimci.com/en/ yazi.php?id=12.