59 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Compliance Status Principle Yes No Partial N/A Explanation Related Report/Link C. Social Principles C1. Human Rights and Employee Rights C1.1 Develops a Company Human Rights and Employee Rights Policy, which pledges full compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Conventions ratified by Turkey and other applicable legislation. Discloses the policy and the roles and responsibilities associated for its implementation. X The studies of the Board of Directors on this topic and their assessments of public disclosure continue. C1.2 Incorporates equitable workforce, improvement of working standards, women’s employment and inclusion (not discriminating on the basis of gender, race, religion, language, marital status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, union activities, political affiliation, disabilities, social and cultural differences, etc.) in its policy concerning employee rights, while looking out for the effects of supply and value chain. X The policies pertaining to employee rights mentioned under this heading are included in our Company’s existing Procurement Policy, Human Resources Policy, and Employee Handbook, Our Board of Directors is diligently working towards achieving full compliance with all policies defined in this heading. C1.3 Discloses the measures taken throughout the value chain for protecting the rights of groups sensitive to certain economic, environmental, social factors (low-income groups, women, etc.) or for securing minority rights/equal opportunity. X The studies of the Board of Directors on this topic and their assessments of public disclosure continue. C1.4 Reports on progress in relation to actions for preventing and remedying discrimination, inequality, human rights violations, forced labor and child labor. X Relevant information is shared in the Employee Information and Human Resources Policy section of our Annual Report at http:// celebiyatirimci.com/en/ yazi.php?id=12.