53 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Compliance Status Principle Yes No Partial N/A Explanation Related Report/Link A3.2 Provides information about which of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Goals its activities relate to. X The studies of the Board of Directors on this topic and their assessments on public disclosure continue. A3.3 Makes disclosures regarding the lawsuits filed and/or concluded against the company on account of ESG issues, which are material with respect to ESG policies and/or have material impact on operations. X Our Company is not involved in any lawsuits regarding environmental, social, or corporate governance issues that have material impact on its operations. A4. Verification A4.1 ESG Key Performance measurements are verified by an independent third party and publicly disclosed. X The studies of the Board of Directors on this topic and their assessments on public disclosure continue. B. Environmental Principles B1 Publicly discloses its environmental management policy and practices, action plans, environmental management systems (known by ISO 14001 standard) and programs. X As part of our implementation of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, we have detailed the practices and programs aligned with our Environmental Policy commitments in the “ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY” section of our Annual Report. Relevant information is shared in the Environment and Sustainability section of our Annual Report, available at http:// celebiyatirimci.com/en/ yazi.php?id=12. B2 Publicly discloses the limitations over the reporting scope, reporting period, reporting date, reporting conditions of the environmental reports to be prepared for providing environmental management information. X In the “ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY” section of our Annual Report, the subject information regarding our environmental reporting is disclosed. Relevant information is shared in the Environment and Sustainability section of our Annual Report, available at http:// celebiyatirimci.com/en/ yazi.php?id=12.