48 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Compliance Status Yes Partial No Exempted Irrelevant Explanation 4.2.7 - The board of directors ensures that the Investor Relations department and the corporate governance committee work effectively. The board works closely with them when communicating and settling disputes with shareholders. X 4.2.8 - The company has subscribed to a Directors and Officers liability insurance covering more than 25% of the capital. X 4.3. STRUCTURE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4.3.9 - The board of directors has approved the policy on its own composition, setting a minimal target of 25% for female directors. The board annually evaluates its composition and nominates directors so as to be compliant with the policy. X There is 3 female member at the Board of Directors of our Company. Although a policy has not been established yet, the rate of female members is 30%, above the 25% limit. 4.3.10 - At least one member of the audit committee has 5 years of experience in audit/ accounting and finance. X 4.4. BOARD MEETING PROCEDURES 4.4.1 - Each board member attended the majority of the board meetings in person. X 4.4.2 - The board has formally approved a minimum time by which information and documents relevant to the agenda items should be supplied to all board members. X 4.4.3 - The opinions of board members that could not attend the meeting, but did submit their opinion in written format, were presented to other members. X 4.4.4 - Each member of the board has one vote. X 4.4.5 - The board has a charter/written internal rules defining the meeting procedures of the board. X 4.4.6 - Board minutes document that all items on the agenda are discussed, and board resolutions include director’s dissenting opinions if any. X 4.4.7 - There are limits to external commitments of board members, Shareholders are informed of board members’ external commitments at the General Shareholders’ Meeting. X CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMPLIANCE REPORT