3 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report In this period, net exports greatly limited growth, especially due to the sharp decline in exports, and on the production side, the contraction in the industrial sector and the loss of momentum in services came to the fore. In the second half of 2023, it was observed that the contribution of consumption expenditures to growth decreased slightly due to economic policies that prioritize the fight against inflation. Despite these developments, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) recorded a strong increase of 6.1% in the 3 rd quarter compared to the same period of the previous year, with the support of the investment item, especially private and public consumption, and 4% in the 4 th quarter. As a result, annual GDP obtained by the sum of four periods according to the production method, as a chained volume index (2009=100), increased by 4.5% in 2023 compared to the previous year. GDP at current prices, which increased by 75% compared to 2022, reached TL 26 trillion 276 billion 307 million in 2023. As of the end of the year, GDP per capita was calculated as TL 307,952 (USD 13,110) at current prices. In 2023, high levels of inflation were observed due to wage increases, exchange rate developments, increasing tax rates, food prices, rigidity in services inflation and strong domestic demand outlook. In addition, the increase in producer prices and developments in pricing behavior have led to broad-based inflationary pressures. On an annual basis, CPI closed 2023 at 64.77%, in line with the Medium Term Program (MTP) target of 65%. Turkey has the potential to become a production center that can solve global supply chain problems with the help of its policies aimed at increasing foreign direct investments, its entrepreneurial character, trained human resources and geopolitical location. It is estimated that these qualities will support our country’s economic growth in 2024, especially as the delayed effects of the monetary tightening process will be more clearly observed. Çelebi Ground Handling demonstrated a strong financial performance in 2023 and achieved results consistent with its strategic goals. Aiming for healthy growth and sustainable profitability, Çelebi Ground Handling achieved successful financial and operational results in 2023. Our Company, which served 94,744 flights in Turkey in 2023, recorded an increase of 17.6% compared to the previous year. As of the end of 2023, Çelebi Ground Handling’s consolidated asset size was TL 15,259 million and its equity capital was TL 5,215 million. In the same period, our consolidated turnover was TL 10,865 million, our consolidated gross profit was TL 3,667 million, our main operating profit was TL 2,761 million, and our net profit for the period was TL 1,826 million. Our subsidiaries operating abroad have also contributed significantly to this success with their strong operational performance. Our goals and expectations for the future of our Company and our industry are positive. We have always focused on creating added value for our country’s economy and society with our activities that we carry out with a balanced, stable approach that prioritizes risk management. The results we achieved in 2023, when we celebrate the 100 th anniversary of our Republic with great pride, prove the accuracy of our road map. In the future, we will continue to work determinedly to ensure that our country and our Company move forward with our broad perspective, corporate culture and experience. In the coming years, while implementing many new investments and industry-leading practices that reflect our dynamic identity, we will include achieving high employee and customer satisfaction, increasing efficiency and strengthening our competitive advantages among our main goals. I would like to thank our employees for their endless efforts and contributions on the path we follow to achieve our goals, and our shareholders, customers and business partners, whose support we always feel close to us. Respectfully, Can Çelebioğlu Chairman of the Board of Directors