47 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Compliance Status Yes Partial No Exempted Irrelevant Explanation 3.3.9 - A safe working environment for employees is maintained. X 3.4. RELATIONS WITH CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS 3.4.1 - The company measured its customer satisfaction, and operated to ensure full customer satisfaction. X 3.4.2 - Customers are notified of any delays in handling their requests. X 3.4.3 - The company complied with the quality standards with respect to its products and services. X 3.4.4 - The company has in place adequate controls to protect the confidentiality of sensitive information and business secrets of its customers and suppliers. X 3.5. ETHICAL RULES AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 3.5.1 - The board of the corporation has adopted a code of ethics, disclosed on the corporate website. X 3.5.2 - The company has been mindful of its social responsibility and has adopted measures to prevent corruption and bribery. X 4.1. ROLE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4.1.1 - The board of directors has ensured strategy and risks do not threaten the long-term interests of the company, and that effective risk management is in place. X 4.1.2 - The agenda and minutes of board meetings indicate that the board of directors discussed and approved strategy, ensured resources were adequately allocated, and monitored company and management performance. X 4.2. ACTIVITIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4.2.1 - The board of directors documented its meetings and reported its activities to the shareholders. X 4.2.2 - Duties and authorities of the members of the board of directors are disclosed in the annual report. X 4.2.3 - The board has ensured the company has an internal control framework adequate for its activities, size and complexity. X 4.2.4 - Information on the functioning and effectiveness of the internal control system is provided in the annual report. X 4.2.5 - The roles of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are separated and defined. X