34 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report 11. Carbon Pricing, Carbon Credit During the reporting period, the Company did not engage in any carbon pricing system (Emission Trading System, Cap & Trade or Carbon Tax). Currently, there is a lack of clarity regarding the Emissions Trading System (ETS) in Turkey. In case of clarification, engagement will be considered. During the reporting period covering 01 January 2023-31 December 2023, there are no carbon credits accrued or purchased within the Company. No carbon pricing is implemented within our Company. 12. Criteria for Environmental Rewarding During the reporting period, no environmental targets were incorporated into the rewarding criteria within the scope of performance incentive systems regarding stakeholders (such as members of the Board of Directors, managers and employees). 13. Related Party Relationships The following table provides details on the activities we conduct to strengthen our relationships with related parties, such as public institutions, customers, and suppliers, and to contribute to collaborative studies: Collaborations with Related Parties Organization Subject Matter Collaboration Directorate General Of Civil Aviation (SHGM) Drafts of the Environmental Management Regulation at Airports (SHY-ÇEVRE) and the Environmental Criteria Instruction for Airports (SHT- ÇEVRESEL) Presenting opinion within the scope of the Regulation and Instruction planned to be published. ASA (Airport Services Association) Sustainability Committee An active role is taken in the established committee. TÖSHİD Sustainability Working Group An active participation is ensured in the established working group. Lokman Hekim Sağlık Vakfı Support for medical students Support is provided for the foundation’s charitable activities. We do not have any lawsuits filed and/or concluded against our Company regarding ESG issues, which are important in terms of our ESG policies and/or will significantly affect our activities. 18. EVENTS AFTER THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT DATE Not available. 19. PROFIT DISTRIBUTION PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Our financial statements prepared on the basis of our legal books of account dated 31 December 2023 show a net current profit in the amount of TL 1,683,900,125.62 remaining after the deduction of all taxes and other legal obligations. As there is no Prior Year’s Loss available to be deducted from the Net Period Profit, the Net Distributable Profit amount that should be considered for profit distribution in accordance with our Company’s legal records is TL 1,683,900,125.62. The Net Profit for the Period, after the deduction of Tax and Legal liabilities, in our Company’s consolidated financial statements dated 31 December 2023, that were prepared in accordance with the formats specified by CMB and in the Turkish Accounting Standards/Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TAS/TFRS) pursuant to the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB) Communiqué Serial: II, No. 14.1 on the “Principles of Financial Reporting in the Capital Markets”, and which have been audited by independent organizations, amounted to TL 1,667,723,088.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 Annual Report