33 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report - Impact Potentials on Global Warming = IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, 2014 (AR5); GWP values for 100-year time horizon - Fuel intensity = Regulation on Increasing Efficiency in the Use of Energy Resources and Energy, Annex-2: Lower Calorific Values of Energy Resources and Conversion Coefficients to Petroleum Equivalent - On-road and off-road vehicles = Sources: IPCC 2006, Vol.2; - Table 3.2.1. Road transport default CO2 emission factors and uncertainty ranges (page 3.16) - Table 3.2.2. Road transport N2O and CH4 default emission factors and uncertainty ranges (page 3.21) - Table 3.3.1. Default emission factors for off-road mobile sources and machinery (page 3.36) 9. Environmental Reporting Our Company regularly reports its efforts and data pertaining to the combat against the climate crisis to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which is comprised of investors who represent a total of USD 100 trillion in assets globally. 2022 calendar year CDP reporting was completed on 26 July 2023. As a result of the effective and detailed work we have carried out on environmental sustainability on this platform, which we have been involved in since 2012, we have managed to maintain our CDP climate change reporting score at the “B-Management” level. In line with our commitments in our environmental policy, we will continue to continuously improve our environmental sustainability performance. We have included our information and data regarding environmental management in our Annual Report, which we have shared with our investors and the public since 2001. The details of our environmental reporting are provided in the table below: Environmental Reporting Report Scope of the Report Reporting Period Reporting Date Reporting Conditions, Platforms on which Reports are Disclosed Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) All Çelebi Ground Handling 01 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 26 July 2023 The report is submitted through the official website of CDP, which is a global platform accessible at https://www.cdp.net/. The reports are accessible to global investors. Since 2012, the reporting process has entailed submitting data for the preceding calendar year by the end of June annually. The reporting for the calendar year 2022 has been finalized on 26 July 2023. Annual Report - Environment Section All Çelebi Ground Handling 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 01 March 2024 It is reported on a quarterly basis, four times a year. Our Annual Report can be accessed on the Çelebi Investor website at http://celebiyatirimci.com/ 10. Environmental Committees The “ÇHS Sustainability Team” has been formed with the participation of all relevant departments in order to coordinate activities on sustainability throughout the CRC and to ensure effective communication between departments. Committee’s activities are conducted under the leadership of the Financial Affairs and Quality Departments. The Committee is not affiliated to the Board of Directors, and operates as an independent functional team within the Company. On the stations side, Environmental Committees have been established under the leadership of Quality Officers to conduct the coordination of environmental activities and programs within the framework of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. Effective coordination is maintained between the Central Committee and the Environment Committees at the stations through regular meetings, briefings, and reports.