32 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Quantities of Waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) Generated Year Quantity of Waste (ton) 2013 127 2014 94 2015 193 2016 235 2017 194 2018 89 2019 181 2020 72 2021 311 2022 583 2023 491 All of the Company’s stations retain active accounts in the Integrated Environmental Information System (EÇBS) of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change (https://ecbs,cevre,gov,tr/), and the annual waste disclosures are entered into the Waste Management application in EÇBS. Quantities of waste are monitored through these disclosures. On the other hand, the monthly quantities of waste generated and shipped by the stations are tracked via the Skyflow Environmental Management Module software of the Company. In addition, the amount of waste entering and exiting the warehouses is determined with the help of weighing scales in our Temporary Waste Warehouses on the field. This information is documented through the use of “F-TR01-10000676-100 Waste Warehouse Entry Registration Form” and “F-TR01 10000676- 005 Waste Tracking Chart”. Energy Consumption Values in 2023 Scope 1 Scope 2 Type of Energy Quantity Consumed (liters) Type of Energy Quantity Consumed (kWh) Gasoline 198,212 Electricity 4,596,256 Diesel 1,319,779 Natural Gas 414,781 Total 1,517,991 Total 5,011,037 8. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Calculations - Methodology Our Company conducts yearly greenhouse gas inventory calculations in accordance with the ISO 14064 standard. The station buildings, workshop, and vehicle/equipment parking zone utilized by Çelebi Ground Handling in the airport apron area, which falls under the financial and administrative control of Çelebi Ground Handling, along with the passenger services offices located in the airport terminal building and rented from the terminal operator, are encompassed in the greenhouse gas inventory as direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) and energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2). As of the 2021 inventory, our greenhouse gas inventory includes the emissions resulting from the activities of our personnel service providers, and the fuel consumption of our employees who receive business travel/fuel support as other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3). The year 2011 is used as the base year in the calculations. The details of the methodology employed within the scope of the ISO 14064 standard are outlined as follows: - Emission factors within the scope of tier-1 (IPCC, IEA etc.) are used in our calculations. - The emission factors we have chosen on the basis of emission source are as follows: - Warm-Up= IPCC 2006, Vol.2, Table 2.4. Default emission factors for stationary combustion in the commercial/institutional category (kg of greenhouse gas per TJ on a net calorific basis) (page 2.20) - GPU, ASU, ACU, emergency generator, vehicle washing equipment= IPCC 2006, Vol.2, Table 2.4. Default emission factors for stationary combustion in the commercial/institutional category (kg of greenhouse gas per TJ on a net calorific basis) (page 2.20) - Refrigeration system leaks = IPCC 2006, Vol.3; Chapter 7, Table 7.9: Estimates for charge, lifetime and emission factors for refrigeration and air-conditioning systems (page 7.52) BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 Annual Report