31 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Our data on water consumption is shared in the “Our Environmental Indicators” section. 7. Our Environmental Indicators The indicators of greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, waste generation and energy consumption, which are related to major environmental aspects and are critical for assessing our environmental performance, are monitored on a regular basis. The data pertaining to these indicators is presented in the tables below in a manner which facilitates comparison with previous years: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Reporting Year Greenhouse Gas Emissions (tons CO 2 e) Emissions per Aircraft Served (tons CO 2 e) YoY Change Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Total 2011 6,676.30 2,065.30 - 8,741.60 0.05592083 Base Year 2012 7,440.40 2,395.25 - 9,835.65 0.05676783 1.51% 2013 6,678.89 2,354.04 - 9,032.93 0.05040529 -11.21% 2014 6,599.02 2,443.06 - 9,042.08 0.04685074 -7.05% 2015 8,132.82 2,386.61 - 10,519.43 0.05016250 7.07% 2016 6,771.92 1,810.04 - 8,581.95 0.05123539 2.14% 2017 6,319.36 2,197.33 - 8,516.69 0.06455365 25.99% 2018 5,170.67 1,764.93 - 6,935.60 0.05470707 -15.25% 2020 1,549.42 757.45 - 2,306.87 0.04895319 -10.52% 2021 2,430.25 1,644.45 1,888.93 5,963.63 0.08077840 65.01% 2022 3,628.63 2,017.88 832.14 6,478.65 0.08044667 -0.41% NOTE: Scope 3 was included in our greenhouse gas inventory for the first time in 2021 reporting. Water Consumption Data Year Quantity Consumed (m 3 ) Employee Water Consumption (m 3 /employee) YoY Change 2019 68,165 17.36 2020 29,913 16.64 -4.15% 2021 40,524 18.66 12.14% 2022 55,786 16.37 -12.27% 2023 41,991 10.38 -48.85% We have water meters in our own buildings at our Stations operating at airports, and water consumption is regularly monitored by the airport authority and a water bill is issued to us. In our offices and areas within the terminal, of which we are tenants, water bills are issued based on the distribution made on a square meter basis by the terminal authority. Consumption values ​are calculated by taking these invoices and accruals into account.