28 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report As part of our efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from third parties (suppliers, subcontractors, dealers, etc.), we have ensured that our suppliers providing personnel vehicle services are taking the following measures: - Preventing excessive fuel consumption and reducing cooling gas leakage by performing regular maintenance and controls on service vehicles, - In the process of setting the service routes, planning by selecting the shortest alternative routes, and assessing with Çelebi Ground Handling the service requirements of the newly recruited personnel in line with these routes, and reducing fuel consumption by keeping route changes at minimum. 3.2. Natural Resources Management - Sorting recyclable (paper, plastic, etc.) and recoverable (waste batteries, toners/cartridges, electronic waste, etc.) wastes generated by our operations at source and recycling/recovering them through licensed facilities, - Ensuring energy recovery by disposal of wastes with high calorific value, such as waste lubricants and end-of-life tires, generated as a result of our activities, at licensed incineration facilities, - Reducing building electricity consumption by using photocell systems and energy efficient light bulbs in lighting installations, - Reducing building water consumption by using photocell armatures at sinks, - As part of the Green Buildings (LEED) Project, obtaining the relevant certification during the construction and operation phases of our Cargo & Headquarters and Technical Buildings at Istanbul New Airport ensuring the recycling of 94% of waste during the construction phase, 30% water savings, and 48% electrical energy savings in our buildings during the operation phase, - Reusing filter backwash water from drinking water treatment plants in our vehicle/equipment washing activities, - Using capture systems or equipment that prevent the release of cooling gases from equipment cooling systems into the atmosphere during maintenance processes, - The Gray Water Project, which we have initiated to utilize rainwater collected within buildings for urinal purposes, remains ongoing. 3.3. Prevention of Environmental Pollution - Waste Management - Maintaining control over our wastewater discharges through regular analysis conducted by accredited institutions at our wastewater sources, - Ensuring that our wastewater is transferred to the treatment plant while minimizing the pollution load by physical/chemical treatment before discharging the wastewater to the relevant airport sewerage, - As per the Zero Waste Regulation, segregating the waste generated from our operations at the source and facilitate the recycling, recovery, and reuse of the recyclable materials, and mitigating environmental harm by ensuring that non- recyclable hazardous waste is transported and disposed of by companies that are licensed by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, - Ensuring reduction efforts by obtaining Engine Oil Change Point Permit Certificate and regularly monitoring our waste oils, resulting from equipment maintenance in our technical buildings through the MOYDEN system, which is managed by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, furthermore, for our areas that are not in this scope, proceeding with our reduction efforts by obtaining an out-of-scope letter from the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, - Developing environmental training modules that can be easily accessed by all our employees through our online training platform (Çelebi E-school) with an informative video on environment and waste management, aimed at enhancing our employees’ environmental awareness, - Establishing and training Spill-Leak Response Teams as part of environmental emergency preparedness, conducting routine drills, and maintaining readily available absorbent materials and other response tools and equipment. In addition to the activities mentioned above, to enhance our sustainability performance for our services: - Environmental training and modules that are tailored to our operations have been developed and made accessible to our employees online through our electronic training platform, - Our Company’s software, Skyflow, has been updated with an Environmental Management Module, enabling us to efficiently monitor and track key environmental parameters, including waste generation quantities, natural resource consumption quantities, and greenhouse gas activity data. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 Annual Report