26 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 Annual Report 2. ISO 14001:2015 Our Environmental Management System Our Company has implemented an Environmental Management System that is designed to be sustainable, value-adding, and continuously improving, in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard, which is widely recognized internationally. Our system has been certified by independent accreditation bodies, and aims to systematically minimize, and where possible, eliminate any adverse impacts on the environment. As of 2023, the Company’s Headquarters, 32 stations, and IST Airport Cargo Temporary Storage Facility have been certified for compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System. Through our Environmental Policy, which guides our Environmental Management System that is publicly available, we are committed to providing our investors and other stakeholders with the following: - To minimize our waste, to prevent environmental pollution, and to ensure compliance with all relevant environmental regulations. - To implement environmental sustainability programs aimed at reducing our utilization of natural resources. - To strive for maximizing the utilization of environmentally friendly technologies throughout operations, and to continuously improve our environmental performance. Within the scope of our Environmental Management System, necessary programs and procedures have been created in order to determine the environmental dimensions at every stage of our services, from planning to presenting it to the customer, and to prevent or minimize the potential negative effects of these dimensions by controlling them with a proactive approach. We also ensure the continuous and effective improvement of our environmental performance. In this context, annual Environmental Targets and Programs are created and implemented at the Head Office and all our stations in order to reduce/eliminate our environmental impacts arising from our activities. In 2023, environmental goals such as reducing equipment fuel consumption and projects that provide environmental gain/ benefit were added to our Company’s functional target set under the “Quality Scale” category in addition to those of 2022. Functional Environmental Targets of ÇHS for the Year 2023 Purpose Goal Calculation Method Weight in Quality Scale Target Scale 1 2 3 4 5 Prevention of environmental pollution Sustainable resource utilization Combating climate crisis Protection of biodiversity and ecosystem Reducing natural resource utilization To reduce energy consumption by 2% over the previous year Comparison based on the amount of energy consumption (kWh per aircraft) per aircraft served compared to the previous year 10% No decrease 0%< T <1% 2% 2%< T <4% 4%<T To reduce water consumption by 2% over the previous year Comparison with the previous year on the quantity of water consumption per annual average number of HC personnel 10% To reduce equipment fuel consumption by 2% over the previous year Comparison with the previous year on the amount of equipment fuel consumption per aircraft served 10% Prevention of environmental pollution Sustainable resource utilization Combating climate crisis Protection of biodiversity and ecosystem Reducing natural resource utilization Implementation of projects that provide environmental benefit and profit on the topics which take place in the “calculation method” section within the station Projects implemented during the year and whose environmental gains/benefits are proven with objective data will be evaluated. Environmental benefit/gain topics: 1. Reducing/preventing waste generation 2. Ensuring recycling/recovery/reuse 3. Reducing the use of energy and natural resources, energy efficiency studies 4. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions 5. Prevent soil, air and water pollution 6. Renewable energy studies Provides extra points 0 Project 1 Project 2 Projects 3 Projects 4 and over Projects The assignment of these goals, the monitoring of their realization levels and the steps taken to achieve them are carried out using our digital performance assessment platform.