24 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report In this framework, in accordance with the CMB regulations pertaining to profit distribution, the following has been unanimously accepted for the accounting period of 1 January 2022- 31 December 2022: - The distribution of TL 42.4000 Gross=net cash dividend to each share with a nominal value of TL 1,00 at the rate of 4240.00% to the full taxpayer corporations and the limited taxpayer institution shareholders obtaining dividends through a permanent representative and a workplace in Turkey, - The distribution of gross cash dividend for each share with a nominal value of TL 1,00 at the rate of 3816.00%, and a net cash dividend of TL 38.1600 for each share with a nominal value of TL 1,00 to other shareholders, and the dividend distribution date has been set as 17 April 2023. The related dividend payments have been completed as of 19 April 2023. 14. MISSION AND VISION Mission To be the global solution partner, adding value to its shareholders while correctly perceiving the needs of airport users and sustaining quality. Vision With a team fully identified with the collective “Çelebi spirit”, being an internationally leading and trustworthy company that creates changes in its sector and produces value for all stakeholders. Strategic Objectives The strategic objectives of Çelebi Ground Handling are to maintain its position as the leader of the ground handling services sector in Turkey, to take part in ventures in ground handling services and terminal management and operations inside/outside Turkey. V- RISKS AND AN ASSESSMENT BY THE GOVERNING BODY 15. BASIC FINANCIAL RISKS AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES Due to the nature of its activities, the Group is focused on managing various financial risks including the effect of changes in exchange and interest rates. By its risk management program, the Group aims to minimize the potential negative effect to be caused by the volatilities in the markets. Risk management is carried out within the frame of policies approved by the Board of Directors. The tasks of planning risk management, overseeing its operations and effectiveness, and ensuring that the internal audit team carries out its activities within the framework of the risk management plan are the duty of the Audit Committee, which has been set up by a Board of Directors resolution pursuant to CMB regulations and of the Corporate Governance Committee pursuant to the CMB Communiqué on the Determination and Implementation of Corporate Governance Principles. The Audit Committee formulates a risk management and internal audit system capable of minimizing the risks that the Company could be exposed to and takes such measures as are needed to ensure that the system functions reliably. The Corporate Governance Committee sets up the necessary mechanisms for the early detection of operational and financial risks, implementation of necessary actions in relation to identified risks, and management of risk, and takes the necessary steps for their healthy operation. Interest Rate Risk The Company is exposed to interest rate risk due to the effect of the changes in interest rates on interest-bearing assets and liabilities. This risk is managed through balancing assets and liabilities that are sensitive to interest rates. Within the frame of its principle to manage risk with natural actions consisting of balancing the maturities of assets and liabilities sensitive to interest rates, the Company management utilizes its interest-bearing assets in matching-term investments. In addition, the Company protects itself from the interest risk arising from floating-rate bank loans through limited use of interest rate swap agreements that take place among derivative instruments as and when deemed necessary. Liquidity Risk The cash flow, made up of repayment times and amounts of loans, is managed in view of the amount of free cash flow to be generated by the Group on its activities. Therefore, while the option of debt repayment with the cash generated on activities when necessary is kept available on one hand, sufficient number of reliable and high-quality lending resources are kept accessible on the other. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 Annual Report