20 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report The Company has a 57,65% share in KSU Aviation Private Limited (“KSU”) located in India, which was established on 8 May 2019 to provide “taxiing” services to aircraft at airports in India. For this purpose, a legal and premium capital payment of Indian Rupee 435 million was made by the Company. Celebi GH Delhi, a subsidiary of the Group, participated in DASPL by acquiring 16.66% stake in the company. DASPL resides in New Delhi, India, has a paid-in capital of INR 250,000,000 and was set up to ensure execution of air conditioning units installed on passenger bridges in the airport’s passenger terminal, generator and utility water services in compliance with international standards. On 14 November 2016, Celebi GH Delhi acquired an additional 8.33% share in DASPL, and the Group’s shareholding interest in DASPL rose to 24.99%. The Group recognizes DASPL in its consolidated financial statements by equity method. DASPL’s operations ended as of 1 April 2022, and the net loss for the period after 31 March 2022 is shown under “Profit/(loss) for the period from discontinued operations”. Celebi GH India Private Limited (CGHI) was established as a subsidiary of CASI in 2022, based on the ground services tender won at India’s Ahmedabad International Airport. The capital of the company is Indian Rupee 164,000. Celebi GS Chennai Private Limited (CGSC) was established as a subsidiary of CASI in 2022, based on the ground services tender won at India’s Chennai International Airport. The capital of the company is Indian Rupee 80,099,595. 9. INFORMATION ABOUT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS The summary consolidated financial statements of the Group are issued in compliance with the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB) Communiqué Serial: II, No: 14.1 on Principles of Financial Reporting in the Capital Markets, which is published in the Official Gazette no. 28676 and dated 13 June 2013. In accordance with Article 5 of the communiqué, the Turkish Accounting Standards/Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TAS/TFRS) released by the Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK) and the related annexes and comments were taken as a basis in the publication of the consolidated financial statements. Moreover, the financial statements are presented in accordance with the formats specified in the “Announcement regarding IFRS Taxonomy” published by the KGK on 15 April 2019, and in the Illustrative Financial Statements and User Guide published by the CMB. By its decision passed on 17 March 2005, the CMB announced that publicly-held companies operating in Turkey did not need to apply inflation accounting effective 1 January 2005. The Company’s financial statements have been drawn up within the frame of this decision. When keeping their accounting records and preparing their mandatory financial statements, the Group and the Group companies located in Turkey conform to the principles and conditions set forth by KGK, as well as the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), tax legislation, and the requirements of the Uniform Chart of Accounts issued by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Treasury and Finance (“Ministry of Finance”). The accounting records and financial statements of the subsidiaries, joint venture and associate operating in foreign countries, on the other hand, have been drawn up in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in the countries where they are active. Consolidated financial statements are based on the statutory records of the Company, its subsidiaries, JV and associate, and have been issued to incorporate the required adjustments and reclassifications for the purpose of fair presentation pursuant to the Turkish Financial Reporting Standards. Assets and liabilities of consolidated foreign partnerships have been translated into Turkish lira using the exchange rate on the date of the consolidated financial condition statement, whereas income and expenses have been translated using the average exchange rate. Exchange differences resulting from the closing and the use of average exchange rate are followed up under the FC translation differences account under shareholders’ equity. These consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the applied Turkish Financial Reporting Standards, have been prepared in Turkish Liras and under the historical cost conversion except for the financial assets and liabilities presented at fair values, and the valuations related to the differences between the carrying value and fair value of the non-current assets recognized in business combinations. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 Annual Report