16 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report II- FINANCIAL RIGHTS PROVIDED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT At the annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the Company held on 13 April 2023, shareholders approved the payment of a monthly honorarium of TL 30,000 to the independent members of the Company’s Board and also voted not to pay any other honoraria to Board members who are elected to represent Class A and Class B shareholders. Payments were made to the Company’s independent directors for January-December period of 2023. Members of our Company’s Board of Directors do not have any loans carried over from 2022. No loan advances were given to members of the Board of Directors in the January-December period of 2023. There are no loans made by the Company to its Board members or managers whose terms have been extended or otherwise improved; no sums have been lent to them as personal loans through third parties; neither have they been granted any form of surety such as guarantees etc. on their behalf. III- THE COMPANY’S ACTIVITIES AND MATERIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN ACTIVITIES 6. THE RELEVANT SECTOR, 2023 ACTIVITIES AND PERFORMANCE Civil Aviation Industry In the World… The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the recovery in air travel continued in December 2023 and that total 2023 traffic came closer to the pre-pandemic demand level. Total traffic (measured in paid passenger kilometers or RPK) increased by 36.9% in 2023 compared to 2022. Globally, traffic for the full year 2023 has reached 94.1% of pre-pandemic (2019) levels. Total traffic for December 2023 increased by 25.3% compared to December 2022, reaching 97.5% of the December 2019 level. Fourth quarter traffic was at 98.2% of 2019, reflecting the strong recovery seen towards the end of the year. International traffic increased by 41.6% in 2023 compared to 2022, reaching 88.6% of the 2019 level. International traffic for December 2023 increased by 24.2% compared to December 2022, reaching 94.7% of the December 2019 level. Fourth quarter traffic was at 94.5% of 2019. Domestic traffic increased by 30.4% in 2023 compared to the previous year. Domestic traffic in 2023 was 3.9% above the whole of 2019. While December 2023 domestic traffic increased by 27.0% compared to the same period of the previous year, it was 2.3% above December 2019 traffic. Fourth quarter traffic increased by 4.4% compared to the same quarter of 2019. IATA General Manager Willie Walsh commented as follows: “The strong recovery after the pandemic continued in 2023. While December traffic was only 2.5% below 2019 levels, the strong performance in the 4 th quarter enabled airlines to return to normal growth patterns in 2024. The recovery in the travel industry is a good new. Restoring connectivity is powering the global economy as people travel to do business, further their education, work hard and take well-deserved vacations, and more. But in the post-pandemic world, governments need to take a strategic approach to maximize the benefits of air travel. This means providing cost-effective infrastructure to meet demand, incentivizing the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to meet our target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, and adopting regulations that provide a clear cost-benefit. Completing the recovery should not be an excuse for governments to forget aviation’s critical role in improving the prosperity and well-being of people and businesses around the world.” BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2023 Annual Report