15 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Furthermore, in alignment with the targets of the Human Resources department, a distinct target is set to monitor the ratio of graduates and students from civil aviation departments in the recruitment and overall employment process, and the employment rate of civil aviation department is increased each year compared to the previous year. In order to promote this process, we provide support for career days, congresses, seminars, and training projects organized by aviation professional organizations. Organizational Development Activities Employee Satisfaction Applications In order to enhance employee satisfaction, an annual Employee Engagement and Experience Survey, which is accessible to the participation of all employees and is organized annually by an independent company, is conducted. Upon completion of the survey, action plans are developed through the facilitation of over 30 workshops across various focus groups, with the involvement of employees from all levels and departments. Under the leadership of the consultant company, action plans are prioritized and followed up. The result of the Employee Engagement and Experience Survey conducted in 2023 was 67%, with an action completion rate of 81%. Regulation Work In addition to the HR and Training Regulations established and used, regulations on operational and other issues continue to be created and revised with the projects that will be carried out jointly for the issues needed. Organization Work The Company ensures that the organizational structures are rendered effective and standardized in accordance with the requirements, and organizational changes are monitored and published. Work on determining hierarchical levels and revising the roles according to the prevailing conditions are the primary issues of the HR policies. Communication With the aim of creating participative management and a secure working place for employees and to meet the requirements, personnel are informed of the Company’s financial status, wages, career opportunities, training programs, health policies through meetings held and every opportunity is taken to send such messages. The suggestions, complaints, opinions and comments received from employees serves as a starting point for the required work. Occupational Safety Our Company has a management system that provides a secure and healthy work place for its employees, and which uses risk evaluation to determine the risks and dangers employees may face, and which takes precautions, develops activities to reduce these dangers and risks in line with the requirements set out in labor law. The system’s OHS performance is continuously tracked where OHS aims are put into practice with management programs. Furthermore, our 30 stations and the Head Office hold the OHSAS 18001 certification. Social Activities & Internal Communication Çelebi anniversary and seniority plaque ceremonies, which are organized for our employees at the Head Office and all our stations in honor of their 5 years or multiples of seniority, continue to be held every year at our Head Office and stations. In addition, in 2023, severance bonus vesting has started for employees who are entitled to receive a plaque as of the 10 th anniversary. Social activities continue regularly with the happy hour events we organize every month in our Head Office offices and the catering organizations held at our stations. Within the scope of internal communication, we communicate with all our employees through 6 different channels. Compliance is achieved with the monthly internal communication plan, such as special day celebrations, internal company announcements, aviation news, interactive competitions and informative webinars.