NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise indicated.) 111 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Movements in right-of-use assets for the period ended 31 December 2022 are as follows: Opening 1 January 2022 Additions Modifications Foreign currency translation differences Closing 31 December 2022 Cost Buildings and land 1.338.033.236 80.221.313 27.197.395 578.580.301 Machinery, plant and equipment 71.217.129 - - 22.886.045 94.103.174 Vehicles 31.825.926 2.283.058 302.221 15.900.484 50.311.689 1.441.076.291 82.504.371 27.499.616 617.366.830 2.168.447.108 Accumulated depreciation Buildings and land (289.166.353) (155.573.340) (106.433.234) (551.172.927) Machinery, plant and equipment (71.217.129) (22.886.045) (94.103.174) Vehicles (17.085.769) (7.986.874) (6.375.955) (31.448.598) (377.469.251) (163.560.214) (135.695.234) (676.724.699) Net book value 1.063.607.040 1.491.722.409 Depreciation expense for the period ended 31 December 2022 in the amount of TL 163.560.214 is included in cost of sales. NOTE 13 - INTANGIBLE ASSETS Other Intangible Assets Movements in other intangible assets for the period ended 31 December 2023 are as follows: Opening 1 January 2023 Additions Disposals Transfers Foreign currency translation differences Closing 31 December 2023 Cost Rights 23.312.907 9.971.423 - - 14.951.793 48.236.123 Software 96.345.005 5.160.463 (1.967.201) 2.485.576 62.284.729 164.308.572 Concession rights (*) 540.520.369 - - - 304.446.632 844.967.001 Build-operate- transfer investments (**) 1.035.701.453 121.585.122 - - 611.343.200 1.768.629.775 1.695.879.734 136.717.008 (1.967.201) 2.485.576 993.026.354 2.826.141.471 Accumulated depreciation Rights (15.774.894) (3.108.793) - - (3.995.808) (22.879.495) Software (74.720.298) (9.506.759) 1.967.201 - (49.530.340) (131.790.196) Concession rights (*) (285.446.461) (55.367.986) - - (140.817.520) (481.631.967) Build-operate- transfer investments (**) (351.037.619) (67.106.296) - - (245.878.077) (664.021.992) (726.979.272) (135.089.834) 1.967.201 - (440.221.745) (1.300.323.650) Net book value 968.900.462 1.525.817.821 (*) Refers to fixed asset expenditures made within the scope of the concession agreement signed between DIAL Celebi Delhi Cargo and are recognized in accordance with TFRIC 12. (**) The amounts calculated as a result of bringing the deposit prices paid in accordance with the concession agreements signed for the delivery of cargo and ground services at the airports in India to their present values, are accounted for under build-and-transfer basis to be amortized during the concession period. Amortization expense for the period ended 31 December 2023 in the amount of TL 129.728.748 and TL 5.361.086 are included in cost of sales and operating expenses, respectively.