NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise indicated.) 110 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2023 Annual Report Movements in property, plant and equipment for the period ended on 31 December 2022 are as follows: Opening 1 January 2022 Additions Disposals Transfers Foreign currency translation differences Closing 31 December 2022 Cost Plant, machinery and equipment 1.057.610.398 79.626.326 (8.274.795) 24.610.029 335.626.138 1.489.198.096 Motor vehicles 216.485.771 37.117.633 (307.620) 7.357.979 62.480.978 323.134.741 Furniture and fixtures 111.376.561 16.868.819 (2.572.520) (507.091) 36.298.747 161.464.516 Leasehold improvements 380.342.541 19.299.715 (850.087) - 123.542.527 522.334.696 Construction in progress 61.419.347 68.554.275 - (31.460.917) 22.318.323 120.831.028 1.827.234.618 221.466.768 (12.005.022) - 580.266.713 2.616.963.077 Accumulated depreciation Plant, machinery and equipment (656.222.085) (70.989.671) 7.823.806 (14.976) (205.650.660) (925.053.586) Motor vehicles (138.059.005) (14.077.186) 212.333 - (39.054.444) (190.978.302) Furniture and fixtures (62.554.261) (12.045.100) 2.553.455 14.976 (20.320.541) (92.351.471) Leasehold improvements (95.597.428) (16.099.789) 850.087 - (32.119.670) (142.966.800) (952.432.779) (113.211.746) 11.439.681 - (297.145.315) (1.351.350.159) Net book value 874.801.839 1.265.612.918 Depreciation cost amounting to TL 107.929.825 for the period ended on 31 December 2022 was included in cost of sales and TL 5.281.921 was included in operating expenses. NOTE 12 - RIGHT-OF-USE ASSETS Movements in right of use assets for the interim period ended on 31 December 2023 are as follows: Opening 1 January 2023 Additions Modifications Foreign currency translation differences Closing 31 December 2023 Cost Buildings and land 125.074.019 163.227.389 1.349.921.340 3.662.254.993 Machinery, plant and equipment 94.103.174 23.962.857 - 66.048.956 184.114.987 Motor vehicles 50.311.689 - (68.992) 32.396.785 82.639.482 2.168.447.108 149.036.876 163.158.397 1.448.367.081 3.929.009.462 Accumulated depreciation Buildings and land (551.172.927) (260.331.124) - (416.160.313) (1.227.664.364) Machinery, plant and equipment (94.103.174) (1.996.905) - (60.194.865) (156.294.944) Motor vehicles (31.448.598) (15.573.778) - (24.561.311) (71.583.687) (676.724.699) (277.901.807) (500.916.489) (1.455.542.995) Net book value 1.491.722.409 2.473.466.467 Depreciation expense for the period ended on 31 December 2023 amounting to TL 277.901.807 is included in cost of sales.