59 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report COMPLIANCE STATUS PRINCIPLE YES NO PARTIAL N/A EXPLANATION RELATED REPORT/LINK C1.6 Establishes and discloses occupational health and safety policies. X As part of our implementation of the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, we have established an OHS Policy that outlines our commitments, and it is readily available to all interested parties on our website. The OHS Policy has been made publicly available at https://www.celebiaviation. com/about/quality-and- safety. Discloses the measures adopted for preventing workplace accidents and for protecting occupational health along with statistical data on accidents. X Our Company adopts the appropriate measures in compliance with the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and OHS legislation, which it implements to prevent workplace accidents, and prepares legal reports while studies on the public disclosure of statistics continue. C1.7 Establishes and discloses personal data protection and data security policies. X They are publicly disclosed at https:// www.celebiaviation.com/ about/personel-data- protection and at https:// www.celebiaviation.com/ information-security-policy. C1.8 Establishes and discloses a code of ethics. X It is publicly disclosed at https://www.celebiaviation. com/about/principles-of- ethical-behavior and at https://www.celebiaviation. com/career/principles-of- ethical-conduct. C1.9 C1.10 Organizes information meetings and training programs on ESG policies and practices for employees. X Relevant information is shared in the Environment and Sustainability section of our 2022 Annual Report, available at http:// celebiyatirimci.com/en/ yazi.php?id=12.