56 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report SUSTAINABILITY REPORT COMPLIANCE STATUS PRINCIPLE YES NO PARTIAL N/A EXPLANATION RELATED REPORT/LINK B22 Discloses whether its operations or activities are included in any carbon pricing system (Emission Trading System, Cap & Trade or Carbon Tax). X Relevant information is disclosed in the “ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY” section of our Company’s Annual Report. B23 Discloses the carbon credits saved or purchased during the reporting period. X Relevant information is disclosed in the “ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY” section of our Company’s Annual Report. B24 Discloses the details if carbon pricing is applied within the Company X Our Company routinely delivers CDP reports. At present, Turkey does not have an established emissions trading system (ETS). Upon implementation of the system, engagement will be assessed by the Board of Directors. B25 Discloses the platforms that it reports its environmental information to. X The Company Annual Report’s “ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY” section publicly discloses the platforms (CDP) where our environmental information is reported. Our report is submitted in a non-public status on the CDP platform. Our report is accessible exclusively to platform members who are investors, while the general public does not have access to it.