48 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report SUSTAINABILITY REPORT COMPLIANCE STATUS PRINCIPLE YES NO PARTIAL N/A EXPLANATION RELATED REPORT/LINK A. General Principles A1. Strategy, Policy and Targets A1.1 The Board of Directors determines material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, risks and opportunities. X ESG priorities, risks and opportunities have been identified. Station Environmental Factors Analysis Studies are documented in the Integrated Management Systems Risk and Opportunity Analysis forms. Corporate Governance Compliance Report is published together with the Annual Report. The Board of Directors establishes relevant ESG policies (e.g. Environmental Policy, Energy Policy, Human Rights and Employee Policy, etc.) and they are publicly disclosed. X In our Environmental Policy, our commitments to comply with the Environmental Management System and legal requirements, which we have established to protect the environment, are disclosed. In our Ethical Behavior Principles, our management principles on Commitment to purpose and mission, Compliance with laws and terms of service, Honesty, Impartiality, Equality, Courtesy, Respect, Dignity and Trust, Effective Resource Utilization, Information Management and Privacy, Professionalism, and Avoiding Conflict of Interest are disclosed. In our Remuneration Policy, the principles of establishing and managing a remuneration system commensurate with the performance of our employees and the duties, responsibilities, experience and expertise they have assumed at the Company are disclosed. Environmental Policy is publicly disclosed at https:// www.celebiaviation.com/ about/quality-and-safety, HR Policies at https://www. celebiaviation.com/career/ hr-policies, Remuneration Policy and Ethical Conduct Principles at http://www. celebiyatirimci.com/tr/yazi. php?id=18. A1.2 Publicly discloses short- and long-term goals set according to ESG policies. X Despite the fact that the goals have been set within the framework of ESG policies, the studies and assessments of the Board of Directors on the establishment and public disclosure of the long-term goals continue.