37 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report 1. SHAREHOLDERS 1.1. Facilitating the Exercise of Shareholders Rights The number of investor meetings (conference, seminar/etc.) organized by the company during the year 4 1.2. Right to Obtain and Examine Information The number of special audit request(s) 0 The number of special audit requests that were accepted at the General Shareholders’ Meeting 0 1.3. General Assembly Link to the PDP announcement that demonstrates the information requested by Principle 1.3.1. (a-d) https://www.kap.org.tr/tr/Bildirim/1022686 Whether the company provides materials for the General Shareholders’ Meeting in English and Turkish at the same time Provided in Turkish. The links to the PDP announcements associated with the transactions that are not approved by the majority of independent directors or by unanimous votes of present board members in the context of Principle 1.3.9 - The links to the PDP announcements associated with related party transactions in the context of Article 9 of the Communique on Corporate Governance (II-17.1) - The links to the PDP announcements associated with common and continuous transactions in the context of Article 10 of the Communique on Corporate Governance (II- 17.1) - The name of the section on the corporate website that demonstrates the donation policy of the company http://www.celebiyatirimci.com/tr/yazi.php?id=37 The relevant link to the PDP with minute of the General Shareholders’ Meeting where the donation policy has been approved https://www.kap.org.tr/tr/Bildirim/1022686 The number of the provisions of the articles of association that discuss the participation of stakeholders to the General Shareholders’ Meeting 10 Identified stakeholder groups that participated in the General Shareholders’ Meeting, if any https://www.kap.org.tr/tr/Bildirim/1022686 1.4. Voting Rights Whether the shares of the company have differential voting rights No In case that there are voting privileges, indicate the owner and percentage of the voting majority of shares. - The percentage of ownership of the largest shareholder 89.91 1.5. Minority Rights Whether the scope of minority rights enlarged (in terms of content or the ratio) in the articles of the association No If yes, specify the relevant provision of the articles of association. - 1.6. Dividend Right The name of the section on the corporate website that describes the dividend distribution policy http://www.celebiyatirimci.com/tr/yazi.php?id=27 Minutes of the relevant agenda item in case the board of directors proposed to the general assembly not to distribute dividends, the reason for such proposal and information as to use of the dividend. PDP link to the related general shareholder meeting minutes in case the board of directors proposed to the general assembly not to distribute dividends CORPORATE GOVERNANCE INFORMATION FORM