131 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise indicated.) 31 December 2021 TL Equivalent USD Euro GBP TL 1. Trade Receivables 137.019.592 3.836.510 4.563.435 - 16.819.374 2. Monetary Financial Assets 266.437.990 11.261.246 7.238.104 1.202 6.648.884 3. Other 102.567.815 540.375 4.006.554 - 34.797.531 4. Current Assets (1+2+3) 506.025.397 15.638.131 15.808.093 1.202 58.265.789 5. Other 64.299.027 - 4.254.083 - 3.242 6. Non-Current Assets (5) 64.299.027 - 4.254.083 - 3.242 7. Total Assets (4+6) 570.324.424 15.638.131 20.062.176 1.202 58.269.031 8. Trade Payables 59.509.488 1.151.294 - 7.985 43.992.047 9. Financial Liabilities 275.644.512 - 5.243.313 - 196.397.604 10. Other Monetary Liabilities 50.712.797 506.660 13.293 64.671 42.578.473 11. Current liabilities (8+9+10) 385.866.797 1.657.954 5.256.606 72.656 282.968.124 12. Financial Liabilities 195.803.624 - 9.548.201 - 51.493.069 13. Other Monetary Liabilities 883.344 - - - 883.344 14. Non-Current Liabilities (12+13) 196.686.968 - 9.548.201 - 52.376.413 15. Total Liabilities (11+14) 582.553.765 1.657.954 14.804.807 72.656 335.344.537 16. Net Foreign Currency Asset/(Liability) Position (7-15) (12.229.341) 13.980.177 5.257.369 (71.454) (277.075.506) 17. Net Monetary Foreign Currency Asset/ (Liability) Position (7-15) (12.229.341) 13.980.177 5.257.369 (71.454) (277.075.506) Capital risk management The Group’s objectives when managing capital is able to maintain operations of the Group for maintaining optimal capital structure in order to provide return for its shareholders, reduce capital cost and benefit for other shareholders. The shareholders of the Company, in order to maintain or modify capital structure, can change the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares and sell assets to decrease financing needs, in consistency with the regulations of the CMB. Consistent with others in the industry, the Group monitors capital on the basis of the debt/equity ratio. This ratio is found by dividing net debt to total capital. Net debt is calculated as total liabilities less cash and cash equivalents. Total capital invested is calculated as equity, as shown in the balance sheet, plus net debt.