126 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise indicated.) Other receivables from related parties 31 December 2022 31 December 2021 Çelebi Havacılık Holding (1) (*) 84.869.838 124.850.444 84.869.838 124.850.444 (*) The relevant amount consists of intragroup loan receivables of EUR 20.000.000 with maturity 30 June 2023 and interest rate of 3.95%, which ÇGHH has extended to ÇHH. Payables to related parties 31 December 2022 31 December 2021 Çelebi Havacılık Holding (1) (*) 3.267.192 7.255.171 DASPL (5) 24.752 4.521.662 Other - 3.308 3.291.944 11.780.141 ii) Significant transactions with related parties Miscellaneous sales to related parties 1 January - 1 January - 31 December 2022 31 December 2021 Çelebi Havacılık Holding (1) 9.669.028 5.104.350 Other - 49.168 9.669.028 5.153.518 Contribution to holding expenses (*) 1 January - 1 January - 31 December 2022 31 December 2021 Çelebi Havacılık Holding (1) 187.573.446 97.329.153 187.573.446 97.329.153 Other purchases from related parties 1 January - 1 January - 31 December 2022 31 December 2021 DASPL (3) (**) 9.554.741 15.437.702 Çelebi Havacılık Holding (1) (*) 33.476.125 8.810.120 43.030.866 24.247.822 (1) Parent company (2) Subsidiary of the Group (3) Joint venture of the Group (4) Other related party (5) Associate of the Group (6) Other related party (*) The purchases made from Çelebi Havacılık Holding consist of expenses directly reflected the legal, financial, human resources, management, corporate communication, procurement, data processing and business development services that the Group receives from ÇHH, and business development projects and tenders conducted by ÇHH on behalf and account of the Company. (**) Purchases from DASPL that are related to services provided for the aeration, generator and utility water installed in passenger bridges.