109 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise indicated.) NOTE 11 - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Movements in property, plant and equipment for the period ended 31 December 2022 are as follows: Foreign currency Opening 1 January 2022 Additions Disposals Transfers translation differences Closing 31 December 2022 Cost Machinery, plant and equipment 1.057.610.398 79.626.326 (8.274.795) 24.610.029 335.626.138 1.489.198.096 Motor vehicles 216.485.771 37.117.633 (307.620) 7.357.979 62.480.978 323.134.741 Fixtures 111.376.561 16.868.819 (2.572.520) (507.091) 36.298.747 161.464.516 Leasehold improvements 380.342.541 19.299.715 (850.087) - 123.542.527 522.334.696 Construction in progress 61.419.347 68.554.275 - (31.460.917) 22.318.323 120.831.028 1.827.234.618 221.466.768 (12.005.022) - 580.266.713 2.616.963.077 Accumulated depreciation Machinery, plant and equipment (656.222.085) (70.989.671) 7.823.806 (14.976) (205.650.660) (925.053.586) Motor vehicles (138.059.005) (14.077.186) 212.333 - (39.054.444) (190.978.302) Fixtures (62.554.261) (12.045.100) 2.553.455 14.976 (20.320.541) (92.351.471) Leasehold improvements (95.597.428) (16.099.789) 850.087 - (32.119.670) (142.966.800) (952.432.779) (113.211.746) 11.439.681 - (297.145.315) (1.351.350.159) Net book value 874.801.839 1.265.612.918 Depreciation expense for the period ended 31 December 2022 in the amount of TL 107.929.825 and TL 5.281.921 are respectively included in cost of sales and operating expenses. Movements in property, plant and equipment for the period ended 31 December 2021 are as follows: Foreign currency Opening 1 January 2021 Celebi Nas opening (*) Additions Disposals Transfers translation differences Closing 31 December 2021 Cost Machinery, plant and equipment 484.734.159 127.523.040 32.208.802 (24.436.126) (262.396) 437.842.919 1.057.610.398 Motor vehicles 130.986.095 3.923.090 7.212.515 (9.739.686) - 84.103.757 216.485.771 Fixtures 67.853.295 3.359.524 2.628.694 (8.064.700) 27.727 45.572.021 111.376.561 Leasehold improvements 221.780.258 410.620 4.929.384 (502.013) 1.867.766 151.856.526 380.342.541 Construction in progress 3.392.979 - 39.897.496 - (1.633.097) 19.761.969 61.419.347 908.746.786 135.216.274 86.876.891 (42.742.525) - 739.137.192 1.827.234.618 Accumulated depreciation Machinery, plant and equipment (255.533.905) (109.050.309) (41.958.883) 17.067.281 27.727 (266.773.996) (656.222.085) Motor vehicles (82.459.525) (2.465.700) (8.237.510) 8.800.248 - (53.696.518) (138.059.005) Fixtures (34.771.503) (2.729.991) (8.012.809) 8.015.010 (27.727) (25.027.241) (62.554.261) Leasehold improvements (46.814.610) (410.620) (12.171.569) 347.733 - (36.548.362) (95.597.428) (419.579.543) (114.656.620) (70.380.771) 34.230.272 - (382.046.117) (952.432.779) Net book value 489.167.243 874.801.839 (*) It is related to the full consolidation of Celebi Nas. Depreciation expense for the period ended 31 December 2021 in the amount of TL 66.945.234 and TL 3.435.537 are respectively included in cost of sales and operating expenses.