107 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise indicated.) Aging which is prepared considering the overdue days of overdue receivables that are not impaired including receivables from related parties is as follows: 31 December 2022 31 December 2021 Overdue 1 month 29.486.091 22.080.910 Overdue 1-3 months 8.563.546 26.888.511 Overdue 3-12 months 56.500.709 19.657.616 Overdue 1-5 years 2.847.905 194.634 97.398.251 68.821.671 As of 31 December 2022, the portion of the Group’s overdue but not impaired receivables secured by collateral is TL 15.089.992 (31 December 2021: TL 16.146.391). Short-term trade payables 31 December 2022 31 December 2021 Trade payables to third parties 290.011.726 253.355.392 Accrued liabilities 152.982.822 67.840.531 Total trade payables to third parties 442.994.548 321.195.923 Due to third parties (Note 31) 3.291.944 11.780.141 Total short-term trade payables 446.286.492 332.976.064 NOTE 9 - OTHER RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES 31 December 2022 31 December 2021 Receivables from tax office 11.700.900 28.030.496 Deposits and guarantees given 29.803.331 23.489.205 Other miscellaneous receivables (*) 264.672.223 167.545.055 Short-term other receivables from related parties 306.176.454 219.064.756 Other receivables from related parties (Note 31) 84.869.838 60.554.654 Total short-term other receivables 391.046.292 279.619.410 (*) TL 213.051.000 of other miscellaneous receivables consists of short-term loan of INR 940.000.000 given by Delhi Cargo to GMR Group, TL 50.636.718 consists of receivables from airline companies due to the airline tax enacted in Hungary (31 December 2021: INR 940.000.000).