98 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2022 Annual Report NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise indicated.) The operational segment information provided to the board of directors as of 31 December 2022 and 2021 is as follows: Operation Groups Ground Cargo and Warehouse Consolidation 1 January - 31 December 2022 Handling Services Adjustments Consolidated Revenue 3.724.412.945 2.342.139.815 5.455.781 Cost of sales (2.449.356.971) (1.447.775.338) (5.143.577) (3.902.275.886) Gross profit 894.364.477 312.204 2.169.732.655 General administrative expenses (447.746.865) (143.893.226) 1 .001.790 (590.638.301 ) Addition: Depreciation and amortization 234.006.621 132.275.737 - 366.282.358 Addition: TFRIC -12 effect shares - 19.915.728 - 19.915.728 Addition: Provision for employment termination benefit and unused vacation 35.404.572 8.105.266 - 43.509.838 EBITDA effect of investments accounted by using equity method 2.688.691 - - 2.688.691 EBITDA 1.099.408.993 910.767.982 1.313.994 2.011.490.969 Lease expenses under TFRS 16 (140.535.088) (45.381.181) - (185.916.269) EBITDA (Except for TFRS 16) 958.873.905 865.386.801 1.313.994 1.825.574.700 Operation Groups Ground Cargo and Warehouse Consolidation 1 January - 31 December 2021 Handling Services Adjustments Consolidated Revenue 1.357.651.028 (13.528.107) 2.560.188.835 Cost of sales (911.136.650) (824.822.022) 7.639.312 (1.728.319.360) Gross profit 446.514.378 391.243.892 (5.888.795) 831.869.475 General administrative expenses (207.015.461) (78.712.535) 7.526.541 (278.201.455) Addition: Depreciation and amortization 127.634.504 78.417.534 - 206.052.038 Addition: TFRIC -12 effect shares - 12.647.486 - 12.647.486 Addition: Provision for employment termination benefit and unused vacation 20.747.420 8.382.575 - 29.129.995 EBITDA effect of investments accounted by using equity method 11.746.974 - - 11.746.974 EBITDA 399.627.815 411.978.952 1.637.746 813.244.513 Lease expenses under TFRS 16 (71.579.125) (23.351.867) - (94.930.992) EBITDA (Except for TFRS 16) 328.048.690 388.627.085 1.637.746 718.313.521