ÇELEBİ AR19-270720 (1)

29 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2019 Annual Report 3. STAKEHOLDERS 3.1. Corporation’s Policy on Stakeholders The name of the section on the corporate website that demonstrates the employee remedy or severance policy - The number of definitive convictions the company was subject to in relation to breach of employee rights - The position of the person responsible for the alert mechanism (i.e. whistleblowing mechanism) Members of the Ethics Board The contact detail of the company alert mechanism ethics@celebiaviation.com 3.2. Supporting the Participation of the Stakeholders in the Corporation’s Management Name of the section on the corporate website that demonstrates the internal regulation addressing the participation of employees on management bodies - Corporate bodies where employees are actually represented Employee Committee 3.3. Human Resources Policy The role of the board on developing and ensuring that the company has a succession plan for the key management positions Defined in the Company’s Human Resources Policy. The name of the section on the corporate website that demonstrates the human resource policy covering equal opportunities and hiring principles. Also provide a summary of relevant parts of the human resource policy. Defined in the Human Resources section at the www.celebiaviation. com Whether the company provides an employee stock ownership program - The name of the section on the corporate website that demonstrates the human resource policy covering discrimination and mistreatments and the measures to prevent them. Also provide a summary of relevant parts of the human resource policy. Defined in the Human Resources section at the www.celebiaviation. com The number of definitive convictions the company is subject to in relation to health and safety measures - 3.5. Ethical Rules and Social Responsibility The name of the section on the corporate website that demonstrates the code of ethics www.celebiyatirimci.com.tr >> Disclosures >> Code of Ethics The name of the section on the company website that demonstrates the corporate social responsibility report. If such a report does not exist, provide the information about any measures taken on environmental, social and corporate governance issues. - Any measures combating any kind of corruption including embezzlement and bribery www.celebiyatirimci.com.tr >> Disclosures >> Code of Ethics 4. BOARD OF DIRECTORS-I 4.2. Activity of the Board of Directors Date of the last board evaluation conducted - Whether the board evaluation was externally facilitated - Whether all board members released from their duties at the GSM Yes Name(s) of the board member(s) with specific delegated duties and authorities, and descriptions of such duties Can Çelebioğlu: Chairman of the Board of Directors İsak Antika: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Number of reports presented by internal auditors to the audit committee or any relevant committee to the board 10 Specify the name of the section or page number of the annual report that provides the summary of the review of the effectiveness of internal controls - Name of the Chairman Can Çelebioğlu Name of the CEO Osman Yılmaz If the CEO and Chair functions are combined: provide the link to the relevant PDP announcement providing the rationale for such combined roles - Link to the PDP notification stating that any damage that may be caused by the members of the board of directors during the discharge of their duties is insured for an amount exceeding 25% of the company’s capital - The name of the section on the corporate website that demonstrates current diversity policy targeting women directors - The number and ratio of female directors within the Board of Directors The number of female members is 1 and the ratio to the total number of members is 12.5%.