ÇELEBİ AR19-270720 (1)

9 Çelebi Ground Handling Inc. 2019 Annual Report - The Board of Directors will be authorized for a period of 15 months to issue borrowing instruments in an amount of up to TL 500,000,000.00, to determine all matters associated with the issuance and to carry out the related transactions and formalities under the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code and CMB legislation in force. - An upper limit of TL 6,000,000.00 is set on charitable donations that are to be made by the Company during 2019 (1 January 2019-31 December 2019). - Shareholders holding management control, the members of the Board of Directors, senior executives and their spouses and relatives by blood or marriage unto the second degree have been authorized, as per Article 395 of the Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102, to deal in transactions with the Company and its subsidiaries that might lead to conflict of interest, and to deal with the Company on their own or others’ behalf. Information was also provided to shareholders about; - the guarantees, pledges, and mortgages granted and the revenues and benefits received by the Company to/from third parties during 2018 fiscal year, - related-party transactions engaged in 2018 fiscal year, and - TL 384,492.00 worth of charitable donations to various foundations, associations, professional chambers, and public agencies and organizations during the period beginning on 01 January 2018 and ending on 31 December 2018. Participation in general meetings The Ordinary General Meeting held on 9 April 2019 was attended by shareholders responding either in person or in proxy to invitations sent out, as well as by two members of the Company’s Board of Directors, senior managers and Company’s Investor Relations Unit personnel. Entries in the shareholders’ register There is no period of time stipulated in the Company’s articles of incorporation in which the holders of registered shares must have entries made in the shareholders’ register in order to take part in general meetings. The provisions of the Turkish Commercial Law (TCC) governing such matters are complied with by the Company. Shares corresponding to more than 99% of our Company’s capital have been duly registered as required by Capital Markets Board regulations. Shares belonging to our shareholders are retained in custody in the investor subaccounts of our Company as issuer and/or of brokerage concerns held by the Central Registry Agency. Information announced to shareholders With regard to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting on 9 April 2019, the Board of Directors membership candidate list, the Board of Directors’ annual report for 2018 calendar year, the Company’s remuneration policy, and the resolution for profit distribution for 2018 calendar year were all made available to shareholders and other stakeholders for their review through the Electronic General Meeting system and the Company’s website on the date on which the general meeting was announced. Shareholders’ exercise of their right to ask questions at general meetings The shareholders exercised their right to ask questions at the ordinary general meeting held on 9 April 2019, these questions were answered by the Company board members and executives that attended the meeting.