40 Çelebi Ground Handling 2018 Annual Report BOARD OF DIRECTORS DECISION ESPOUSING THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND ANNUAL REPORTS DECISION DATE: 08.03.2019 DECISION NUMBER: 2019/3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY PURSUANT TO THE CMB COMMUNIQUÉ NO: II-14.1, ARTICLE 9 We hereby represent that; a. we have examined the independently audited consolidated financial statements which have been approved by our Company’s Board of Directors decision dated 08.03.2019 and numbered 2019/3, and by the Audit Committee decision no. 2019/1 dated 08.03.2018, which are prepared pursuant to the CMB Communiqué No: II-14.1, article 9 on Principles of Financial Reporting in Capital Markets and drawn up in accordance with the Turkish Accounting Standards/Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (“TAS/TFRS”), and the Board of Directors’ Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2018, b. to the best of our knowledge we have with respect to our positions and responsibilities in the Company, these financial statements and annual report contain no misrepresentations on material matters or no omissions whose absence could be misleading as of the date on which the statement was made; and c. to the best of our knowledge we have with respect to our positions and responsibilities in the Company, the financial statements drawn up in accordance with the CMB Communiqué No: II-14.1, article 9 on Principles of Financial Reporting in Capital Markets -inclusive of those subject to consolidation- represent a true and fair view of the Company’s assets, liabilities, financial status and profit/loss, and that the annual report presents a fair view of the development and performance of the business -inclusive of those subject to consolidation-, the Company’s financial standing, and the key risks and uncertainties it is exposed to. Yours sincerely, ÇELEBİ GROUND HANDLING INC. Deniz BAL Osman YILMAZ Uğur Tevfik DOĞAN Adil İlter TURAN Financial Affairs Director CEO Audit Committee Member Audit Committee Member ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY