39 Çelebi Ground Handling 2018 Annual Report Company Compliance Status Explanation Yes Partial No Exempted Not Applicable 4.6. FINANCIAL RIGHTS 4.6.1 - The board of directors has conducted a board performance evaluation to review whether it has discharged all its responsibilities effectively. X 4.6.4 - The company did not extend any loans to its board directors or executives, nor extended their lending period or enhanced the amount of those loans, or improve conditions thereon, and did not extend loans under a personal credit title by third parties or provided guarantees such as surety in favor of them. X 4.6.5 - The individual remuneration of board members and executives is disclosed in the annual report. X The remunerations and all other benefits provided to the members of the Board of Directors and to the executives with administrative responsibility are disclosed in the “Financial Rights Provided to the Members of the Governing Body and Senior Managers” section of the annual report.