31 Çelebi Ground Handling 2018 Annual Report 4. BOARD OF DIRECTORS-III 4.5. Board Committees-II Specify where the activities of the audit committee are presented in your annual report or website (Page number or section name in the annual report/website) www.celebiyatirimci.com.tr >> Disclosures >> Working Principles of the Audit Committee Specify where the activities of the corporate governance committee are presented in your annual report or website (Page number or section name in the annual report/website) www.celebiyatirimci.com.tr >> Disclosures >> Working Principles of the Corporate Governance Committee Specify where the activities of the nomination committee are presented in your annual report or website (Page number or section name in the annual report/website) The Corporate Governance Committee undertakes the duties of the Nominating Committee. Specify where the activities of the early detection of risk committee are presented in your annual report or website (Page number or section name in the annual report/website) www.celebiyatirimci.com.tr >> Disclosures >> Working Principles of the Early Detection Risk Committee Specify where the activities of the remuneration committee are presented in your annual report or website (Page number or section name in the annual report/website) The Corporate Governance Committee undertakes the duties of the Remuneration Committee. 4.6. Financial Rights Specify where the operational and financial targets and their achievement are presented in your annual report (Page number or section name in the annual report) Annual Report >> The Relevant Sector, 2018 Activities And Performance Specify the section of website where remuneration policy for executive and non-executive directors is presented. www.celebiyatirimci.com.tr >> Disclosures >> Remuneration Policy Specify where the individual remuneration for board members and senior executives are presented in your annual report (Page number or section name in the annual report) Annual Report >> Financial Rights Provided to the Members of the Governing Body and Senior Management Composition of Board Committees-II Names Of The Board Committees Name of committees defined as "Other" in the first column The Percentage Of Non-executive Directors The Percentage Of Independent Directors In The Committee The Number Of Meetings Held In Person The Number Of Reports On Its Activities Submitted To The Board Audit Committee - 100% 100% 6 - Corporate Governance Committee - 100% 33% 6 - Early Detection Risk Committee - 100% 50% 6 -