25 Çelebi Ground Handling 2018 Annual Report 17. EVENTS AFTER THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT DATE CASI submitted bids for 16 airports, in the tender to provide ground handling services at 36 airports for a period of 10 years by the Airport Authority of India (“AAI”). The validity period of the bid submitted by CASI was 180 days. 18. PROFIT DISTRIBUTION PROPOSAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Our financial statements prepared on the basis of our legal books of account dated 31 December 2018 show a net current profit in the amount of TL 113,005,984.72 remaining after the deduction of all taxes and other legal obligations. Since there is no Prior Year Loss that needs to be deducted from the Net Profit for the Period and no first legal reserves that needs to be set aside pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), the net distributable profit that can be paid out as a dividend on the basis of our legal books of account is TL 113,005,984.72. The net profit for the period, after the deduction of tax and legal liabilities, in our consolidated financial statements dated 31 December 2018 that were prepared in accordance with the formats specified by CMB and in the Turkish Accounting Standards/Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TAS/TFRS) pursuant to the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB) Communiqué Serial: II, No: 14.1 on the “Principles of Financial Reporting in the Capital Markets”, and which have been audited by independent organizations, amounted to TL 204,583,956.00. Within the framework of CMB legislation, since there is no Prior Year Loss that needs to be deducted from the Net Profit for the Period and no first legal reserves that needs to be set aside pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), the net distributable profit is TL 204,583,956.00. The entirety of the Net Profit for the Period in the amount of TL 204,583,956.00 descended in the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements dated 31 December 2018 be distributed as follows: ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ A.Ş. Profit Distribution Table for 2018 (TL) According to CMB legislation According to legal records Net Profit for the Period 204,583,956.00 113,005,984.72 Prior Year Loss (-) 0.00 0.00 General Legal Reserves 0.00 0.00 Net Distributable Profit for the Period 204,583,956.00 113,005,984.72 First Dividend to Shareholders 1,215,000.00 1,215,000.00 Second Dividend to Shareholders 127,575,000.00 101,628,167.91 Other Funds for Distribution 0.00 25,946,832.09 General Legal Reserves 12,757,500.00 12,757,500.00 - Profit for the Period 12,757,500.00 10,162,816.79 - Other Funds for Distribution 0.00 2,594,683.21 Transferred to Extraordinary Reserves 63,036,456.00 (28,541,515.28) In compliance with CMB regulations pertaining to profit distributions and with respect to the period beginning on 1 January 2018 and ending on 31 December 2018, the following issues are presented to the approval of the ordinary general meeting which will convene on 09 April 2019: • Shareholders who are resident corporate entities and shareholders who are non-resident corporate entities but earn dividends through a place of business or permanent representative based in Turkey will be paid a 530.00% cash dividend corresponding to TL 5.3000 gross (which is equal to TL net) for each share of stock with a nominal value of TL 1.00 that they hold; • Other shareholders will be paid a 530.00% cash dividend corresponding to TL 5.3000 gross for each share of stock with a nominal value of TL 1.00 that they hold, which amount is equal to a 450.50% cash dividend corresponding to TL 4.5050 net for each share of stock with a nominal value of TL 1.00 that they hold; • 16 April 2019 will be set as the dividend payment date. Very truly yours, ÇELEBİ HAVA SERVİSİ A.Ş. BOARD OF DIRECTORS