15 Çelebi Ground Handling 2018 Annual Report For the mandatory refresher trainings included in the Training Instruction of the Civil Aviation General Directorate, the e-learning project works that will provide remote access were completed in 2017. A total of 7 training modules, including Ramp Safety and Apron Rules Refresher Training, Passenger Services Refresher Training, Travel Documents Refresher Training, Driving on the PAT Areas Refresher Training, Transfer of Disabled Passengers Refresher Training, Pushback-Head Set Refresher Training and Ramp Equipment Operation Refresher Training were included in the distance-learning program, and they were put into use following approval from the Civil Aviation General Directorate. Our Company’s employees have actively used the Çelebi distance-school application with great interest. Work on the development of the application is ongoing continuously. Remuneration Management In line with the Company’s vision and goals, the Çelebi Ground Handling remuneration system was established based on the prevailing market conditions and the developments in the aviation sector, and a remuneration scale was created to ensure the Company’s internal consistency and reflect these conditions. In short, the pay should be the same for any two people working on the same task and the value of their work is the same if it does not differ from each other in terms of content, time, source, position profile etc., even if their personal traits and skills may be different. The Head Office remuneration scale is periodically compared with data received from market remuneration survey companies, and the scale is established in a way to include the results in these surveys. When determining the pay of senior managers, who are included in the Head Office remuneration scale, these criteria are taken as a basis. Remuneration is determined according to the titles in the organizational structure, but based on a tariff linked to station sizes and limited seniority. It is updated every year by market surveys. The results of the regularly conducted performance assessments affect the pay rises and year-end bonuses. In addition to the current base salary, a foreign language allowance is given for personnel who pass the examinations applied for positions that require knowledge of a foreign language. In addition to the foreign language allowance, personnel working as drivers are paid a vehicle bonus depending on the type of vehicle they use. Organizational Development Activities Employee Satisfaction Applications The action plans that are created with the participation of a wide range of employees in order to increase employee satisfaction continued as an important project process under the leadership of the consultant company. The Employee Loyalty and Satisfaction survey is repeated every year and the loyalty score for 2018 was 35%. Regulation Work In addition to the HR and Training Regulations established and used, regulations on operational and other issues continue to be created and revised with the projects that will be carried out jointly for the issues needed. Organization Work The Company ensures that the organizational structures are rendered effective and standardized in accordance with the requirements, and organizational changes are monitored and published. Work on determining hierarchical levels and revising the roles according to the prevailing conditions are the primary issues of the HR policies. Communication With the aim of creating participative management and a secure working place for employees and to meet the requirements, personnel are informed of the Company’s financial status, wages, career opportunities, training programs, health policies through meetings held and every opportunity is taken to send such messages. The suggestions, complaints, opinions and comments received from employees serves as a starting point for the required work.