14 Çelebi Ground Handling 2018 Annual Report Performance Rewarding According to the results of performance evaluation that is performed once in a year, employees who achieved outstanding success were rewarded within a certain proportion of their annual salary, as in previous years. Talent and Career Management The purpose of the Talent and Career Management activities is to provide a candidate pool at Çelebi for placing candidates in positions within Çelebi Ground Handling which match the expectations of employees with those of the Company. A total of 20 senior managers were trained for service in critical positions in ground handling services and cargo operations in Mumbai and Delhi in India and in Hungary, Frankfurt and Austria. Within this context, in all our companies; • Career maps are established in accordance with previously set up competency and qualification scales, and the training and rotations necessary for each career step are continuously monitored. • A backup policy is developed for critical positions. • The Talent Management process has been designed to ensure a more systematical career management function in the Head Office, Regions and stations, and Talent Committees have been created. These committees have the following general purpose; • To provide realistic backup planning • To assign the right employees for critical roles. • To be able to assign, develop and follow high caliber employees • To review and check the employee profile Opportunities for promotion or rotation are offered to employees within internal assignment criteria. When there is a need for positions, these are first announced to Çelebi Ground Handling employees. Our employees are given priority in the evaluation process. The proportion of managers who were promoted from within the company was 81.5% in 2018. Training Work on training and developing programs has been organized at different levels to identify where there is room for improvement in terms of enhancing the knowledge, skills and behavior of Çelebi’s employees as required for their assignments, to develop and fulfill their potential and advance it further and to prepare all employees for the responsibilities of future. For supervisor positions, which are the first stage of management and for Supervisor candidates, the “New Manager Program” has been put into operation. This program includes Management Skills Training and intra-corporate department presentations. With the mandatory trainings determined by the Civil Aviation General Directorate (CAGD), the Human Resources Directorate annually plans the personal and professional development trainings, which are determined in line with needs. The personal and professional development trainings are identified and included in the plan as a result of the Performance Appraisal and Talent Management Project conducted annually throughout the Company. A total of 14.21 training days were provided to each employee on average between January-December 2018. This compares with the 13.14 days of training per employee provided in 2017. All training reports can be accessed over the SAP system. The Human Resources department cyclically prepares the training budget planning and reporting based on these records. Our station employees are able to access all training documentation, technical training modules, exams, company instructions and procedures, and regulations over the E-forms. All operational technical training is provided by internal trainers. All documents, training modules and exams used in the training are updated every 2 years under the revisions carried out with internal trainers, and this is announced. Support is obtained from the training and consulting companies for personal and professional development trainings. (Presentation Techniques, Team Work, Management Skills Development etc.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 2018 ANNUAL REPORT