12 Çelebi Ground Handling 2018 Annual Report 5. INFORMATION ON THE EMPLOYEES AND THE HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY Human Resources (“HR”) Policy In order to sustain the image and success of the Company, in the eyes of the society and the employees, the Human Resources Department monitors and develops all practices supported by the documentation and systems related to Human Resources, and the resulting human resources culture. By supporting participation, teamwork, entrepreneurship, creativity and productivity, making our Company be preferred to work for in Turkey, and making it a big family with happy and loyal employees and to perpetuate this, form the basis of our Company’s HR Policy. The Station Managers are responsible for the dissemination of the HR policies, which were determined without discriminating language, religion, race, sect and gender with the participation of the Station Managers who are determined as our employee representatives, at the stations. The main responsibilities of these managers are to share the decisions taken with respect to the employees or the developments concerning the employees with the employees. Not a single complaint has yet been received concerning discrimination and the company acts responsibly in protecting its personnel from any physical, psychological or emotionally cruel treatment. Elements of the Human Resources Policies: By supporting participation, teamwork, entrepreneurship, creativity and productivity, ensuring our Company is the preferred place to work in Turkey, making it a big family with happy and loyal employees, and ensuring its continuity. Human Resources Systems: - Selection and Placement • Selection Process • Orientation - Performance Management • Target and Competency Management • Compensation - Talent and Career Management - Training • Coaching System • Career Planning • Personal Development Trainings - Remuneration Management - Organization Development Activities • Corporate culture, vision, mission • Employee loyalty and satisfaction practices • Regulatory Work • Organizational Work BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 2018 ANNUAL REPORT