10 Çelebi Ground Handling 2018 Annual Report Action taken to facilitate participation in general meetings To facilitate participation in general meetings, a material event disclosure concerning them is made as required by CMB regulations while invitations announcing the meetings are published within the framework of the provisions of TCC and the Company’s articles of incorporation at least twenty-one days before the meeting date in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette and one newspaper published in the place where our headquarters are located and announced in our Company’s internet site. Media organizations are also contacted to have the meeting announced in the press and electronic media. Availability of general meeting minutes for inspection by shareholders After they have been registered in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and administrative provisions, general meeting minutes are published in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette and are always available for the inspection of stakeholders at our Company’s headquarters and on its corporate website. Presentation of information to shareholders regarding the amount and recipients of grants and donations during the reporting period under a dedicated agenda item in the general meeting At the Ordinary General Meeting held on 19 April 2018, information has been presented to shareholders about the donations and grants made during the reporting period to various foundations, associations, chambers, public institutions and organizations amounting TL 330,755.00. While there is no specific policy for donations and grants that is approved by the General Assembly of Shareholders, grants and donations are made subject to the provisions of Article 3.9 of the Company’s articles of incorporation, which reads “Donations and grants may be made to social foundations, associations, universities and similar institutions and public institutions subject to the principles set forth in the CMB legislation, by providing information to the shareholders at the general meeting and by complying with the public disclosure obligation pursuant to the Capital Market Legislation.” Financial Rights Provided to the Members of the Governing Body and Senior Managers The Company designated its consolidated senior management team as the members of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and Directors. The breakdown of the benefits provided to senior managers is presented in the table below: 1 January-31 December 2018 1 January-31 December 2017 Short-term benefits to senior managers 16,771,185 12,520,801 16,771,185 12,520,801 3. NATURE AND VALUE OF ISSUED CAPITAL MARKET INSTRUMENTS As of 31 December 2018, our Company’s issued capital amounted to TL 24,300,000. Our Company’s capital structure on 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017 was as follows: Shareholders (%) 31 December 2018 (%) 31 December 2017 Çelebi Havacılık Holding A.Ş. 87.39 21,236,463 78.36 19,042,115 Others 12.61 3,063,537 21.64 5,257,885 100.00 24,300,000 100.00 24,300,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 2018 ANNUAL REPORT